Our Impact


Committed to acting ethically.

MCI is proud to provide Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) and Minority Women Business and Enterprises (MWBE) the opportunity to participate in state and local procurements for the sourcing of components and materials in the manufacturing of MCI Public Sector coaches

Our 2025 DBE goal.

Motor Coach Industries announces its proposed DBE goal of 3.13% for the 2025 Federal fiscal year (Oct. 1, 2024 to Sep. 30, 2025). Please view our DBE goal Cover Letter here.

The proposed DBE goal is applicable to all contracts involving financial assistance from the Federal Transit Administration and it has been developed in response to U.S. Department of Transportation’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program for Transit Vehicle Manufacturers, published under 49 CFR Part 26.

Interested parties can submit their comments to:

Darrin Smith, Director, Strategic Sourcing & DBE/MWBE Liaison Officer
Motor Coach Industries
200 East Oakton Street
Des Plaines, IL 60018
[email protected]

Become DBE and MWBE certified.

If your company is already certified as a DBE or MWBE, or if you would like more information on how your business qualifies for the DBE or MWBE program, please click here to request more information from a MCI DBE/MWBE Liaison Officer.

Our objectives.

  • Ensure that small DBE and MWBE firms can compete fairly for federally funded transportation-related projects.

  • Ensure that only eligible firms participate as DBEs and MWBEs.

  • Assist DBE and MWBE firms in competing outside the DBE and MWBE programs

California transparency in supply chains act.

The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (“CTSCA”), effective January, 2012, requires manufacturers to make publicly available information regarding their efforts to eradicate the risks of slavery and human trafficking from their supply chains. The NFI Group and its subsidiaries are committed to ensuring that its supply chain reflects its values and respect for human rights. The company is committed to acting ethically and in compliance with all laws, including applicable slavery and human trafficking laws.

The CTSCA requires the NFI Group to disclose the following information.

  1. Supplier Verification

    The NFI Group maintains procedures to identify compliance and assess potential human rights impacts across our supply chain, including the CTSCA. We incorporate supplier visits and checks into our Supplier Approval and Risk Assessment processes. Those processes are coordinated by The NFI Group sourcing staff and could be supported by other departments.

  2. Supplier Audits

    While the NFI Group does not conduct regular audits for this specific purpose of the CTSCA, our supply team regularly visits our major domestic and international key suppliers, to review their business processes and supply performance, which includes reinforcing the commitments of our Code of Conduct. Corrective action or termination will occur if lapses in their business process or code of conduct is determined.

  3. Supplier Certification

    The NFI Group Supplier requires certifications from its direct suppliers that operate in regions considered high risk for slavery, human trafficking, and child labor.

  4. Employee Training

    The NFI Group provides training specific to the risks of slavery, human trafficking, and child labor to all sourcing and procurement management personnel to ensure diligence is sustained within our supplier management processes.

  5. Internal Accountability

    The NFI Group maintains and annually trains employees on its Code of Conduct. The Code outlines employees’ accountability and responsibility for ethical behavior and compliance with internal policies.

    Anyone aware of a violation of the CTSCA may report it to our New Flyer Ethics and Compliance Hotline by any of these methods: 

    Phone: +1 (844) 299-1086 (US/Canada)
    Website: www.newflyer.ethicspoint.com
    Email: [email protected]